Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Officials Lockout

After the first week of pre-season everyone is disgusted by the ugly and awful performance of the replacement officials that the NFL has hired. In the meantime however negotiations between the NFL and the NFLRA have been at a stand still. Neither side is ready to concede defeat. As with everything in the NFL, the issue comes down to money. The officials want more of it and the NFL wants to give less of it. The officials want a reliable pension plan and the NFL wants to abolish it. The NFL worries that the NFLRA is trying to eliminate their ability to fire officials who perform poorly which the NFLRA denies. The constant bickering and fighting has only led to games officiated by referees who have little experience and none in the NFL. One of the most controversial referees brought in was a female referee from the MEAC (Mid-Eastern Atlantic Conference) of the football championship subdivison. What should be a remarkable and momentous occasion has become little more than a footnote of how desperately the NFL seems to be to keep from making serious talks with the RA. The problem isnt that there is a female official in the NFL though many will say that it is, the problem is these inexperienced officials lack the ability to make all the proper calls. The officials coming out of the college ranks know the college rules, which in many cases do not translate into the NFL. A play that may be legal in the NCAA may be illegal in the NFL. Throwing these inexperienced officals to the wolves for the scrutiny of the entire nation is actually playing into the hands of the RA. Players, coaches and even fans are seeing the effect poor officiating can have on a game. The NFL may not like it, but they will have to come to an agreement with the NFLRA in order to get them back on the field and calling the games properly. Otherwise this will turn into a messy and disastrous season.

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